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2014年11月7日 ⁄ 办个毕业证 证书杂谈 ⁄ 评论数 0+ ⁄ 被围观 +





 武汉科技大学王牌专业:最强的是冶金工程和机械工程及自动化两个专业 ,因为学校以前是冶金方面的学校,所以钢铁方面的专业都不错。


 School in 1995, under the state Department of Wuhan Iron and Steel Institute of Metallurgical Industry, Wuhan Architectural College, Wuhan Metallurgy merged to form the Medical College of Wuhan University of Science and Metallurgy. April 28, 1999, by the consent of the Ministry of Education, Hubei Provincial People's Government, renamed Wuhan University of Science and Technology.

  Wuhan University of Science and ace professional: the strongest metallurgical engineering and mechanical engineering and automation two professional, because the school used to be the metallurgical aspects of the school, so professional steel aspects are good.


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